WWU Brentwood Slide Memorial Scholarship

  • Brentwood Slide was an energetic activist in the LGBTQ+ community in Whatcom County. Brentwood served as Emperor 15 of the Evergreen Empire and was devoted to fundraising and building community. When Brentwood passed away due to complications of HIV/AIDS, the Evergreen Empire created a lasting tribute to his memory in the form of a scholarship to continue the education of students with an interest in the GLBTQ2+ community at Western Washington University. Application window is generally in spring quarter (March-May) for the following fall/academic year for students who meet the following criteria:
    • Current Western Washington University student
    • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3
    • Demonstrated engagement and leadership in support of LGBTQ+ communities
    • Demonstrated potential for academic success and ability to positively impact LGBTQ+ communities in the future
    • Preference given to applicants with demonstrated financial need as demonstrated on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA)