Cost of Attendance Changes

In some cases, the standard Cost of Attendance (COA) will not meet the needs of students. Requests to increase the COA for extraordinary educational costs incurred during the academic year can be submitted. The standard amount already included in the COA will be factored into any adjustment. You may submit request to increase the COA by using the form available in the Online Forms section of our website.

The following are costs that with applicable documentation, may be able to be included:

  • Medical, dental or prescription expenses not covered by insurance
  • Medical insurance premiums
  • Car repair or insurance costs incurred for a vehicle needed for educational purposes
  • Costs associated with an off-campus program
  • Unique books, supplies or equipment required for classes
  • Purchase of a computer for educational purposes
  • Out-of-pocket childcare expenses incurred as a direct result of attending WWU

To request a review of your Student Aid Index (SAI), see the Changes to your Student Aid Index (SAI).