FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid

2025-2026 FAFSA

Open: Opened November 21, 2024

Priority Date: January 31, 2025

2024-2025 FAFSA

Opened: December, 31 2023 

Priority Date -extended-: April 1, 2024

Complete the FAFSA for each academic year as soon as you are able.  

Meeting the Priority Filing Date best ensures eligibility for some types of financial aid that may not be available to those who file a FAFSA after this date.


Financial Aid Fridays

Join us for Financial Aid Fridays throughout December and January for assistance in filing the 2025-2026 FAFSA.

FAFSA Priority Filing Date

The 2025-2026 Priority Date will be January 31, 2025 and the 2025-2026 FAFSA is NOW OPEN!

Financial aid applicants must submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by January 31 each year to best ensure eligibility for financial aid for the upcoming academic year. While several factors determine eligibility for financial aid, meeting the Priority Filing Date is one factor that may impact a student's eligibility.

The 2024-2025 Priority Date was extended to April 1, 2024 to accommodate the late opening of the FAFSA.

Tips for Completing the FAFSA

Western’s School code for the FAFSA: When completing the FAFSA, be sure to select Western Washington University, school code 003802, as an authorized school to receive your FAFSA information.

Filing a FAFSA: Begin the process by Creating an FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID. For a dependent student, both the student and parent(s) must obtain an FSA ID to electronically complete the FAFSA and consent to releasing tax information.

File the FAFSA online after it opens (typically after October 1) and before the Priority Filing Date if possible. 

Fill Out the FAFSA

Tips to avoid frequent FAFSA errors

  1. The FAFSA is free! When filling out the FAFSA, be careful to navigate to the U.S. Department of Education's website rather than a for-profit organization that may charge a fee to fill out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA).
  2. Read the directions carefully. Detailed instructions are provided for most questions within the FAFSA and frequently asked questions are answered at studentaid.gov. If you are unsure about how to answer a specific question, contact Studentaid.gov at 800.433.3243, or our office for clarification.
  3. Round off all figures to the nearest dollar. Ensure you are not entering values including decimals.
  4. If unable to use the online tools to transfer tax information, provide income information directly from the federal tax return including Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and income tax figures and wages using W2s.
  5. Beginning with the 2024-2025 FAFSA, all contributors with a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (ITIN), regardless of tax filing status, who are required to consent to their information being shared on the FAFSA, must use the IRS Direct Data Exchange (IRS DDX).
  6. For students with divorced/separated or remarried parents, the student should report the information for the parent(s) they received the most financial support from the 12 months prior to filing the FAFSA.  If a student’s parent is remarried, financial information for the stepparent is required.
  7. Tax filing and filing the FAFSA are two different processes. Although students may live independently and/or file their own taxes, this does not mean they are considered independent for FASFA purposes. Answers to the dependency questions on the FAFSA determine whether a student is independent or dependent. A list of the questions is available at studentaid.gov. If a student is able to answer “YES” to one or more of the dependency related questions they may be considered an independent student for FAFSA filing purposes. In some situations, additional documentation is required to confirm this status. If a student is not able to answer “YES” to any of these questions, they would generally be considered a dependent student and must include parent data. If a student has extenuating circumstances that they believe should be considered which would allow them to file the FAFSA without parent data, review the information on the Dependency Override page of the Financial Aid Department website and contact our department.
  8. When reporting family size, if you are a dependent student for FAFSA purposes, include yourself, your parent(s), and your parents’ other children if they receive more than half of their support from your parent(s). If you are an independent student, your household size includes yourself, your spouse, and any children who receive more than half of their support from you (and your spouse, if married).

Other Important Tips

  1. Use the Financial Aid Checklist to navigate financial aid steps and consider important dates associated with the financial aid process.
  2. Complete a WWU Admissions Application. Contact Admissions at 360.650.3440 or admit@wwu.edu for additional information.
  3. Monitor your financial aid and scholarship status and any financial aid requirements by accessing Web4U, the student portal.
  4. Turn in any required documentation as quickly as possible once requested. This helps ensure updates in eligibility in a timely manner. Many files are selected for federal verification which requires supplemental documentation to be submitted to the Financial Aid Department to ensure the accuracy of FAFSA data. Often these changes can affect a student’s aid offer!
  5. Review the Financial Aid Offer.  Follow the instructions provided to accept the offer of financial aid.
  6. Maintain a personal financial aid file for your records and keep copies of all documents.
  7. Keep your contact information current by submitting changes online in Web4U (the student portal).
  8. Be prepared to begin attendance at WWU with some of your own funds even if you expect to receive financial aid.