Online Forms

Most of the financial aid forms are school year specific. Be sure the correct academic year is selected before downloading your form.

How to Submit Forms

The document uploader provides students and parents with a secure method of providing documents including those containing personally identifiable information and is the preferred method for submitting documents.

The document uploader can be used on a computer or mobile device. To ensure timely processing of your documents, follow these five easy steps:

  1. Fill out forms and add student name and Western ID number on any documents submitted. Using the list of requirements in Web4U, complete the required forms and obtain supporting documents.
  2. Print all forms that require signatures. Sign and date all forms. List the student’s full name and Western ID number on any supporting documents.
    • All forms submitted via the Document Uploader must have a handwritten signature. The Document Uploader does not waive any signature requirements.
  3. Scan documents and retain copies for record keeping. Scan documents using a desktop scanner or scanner app on your mobile device. Save the electronic documents using a .pdf, .jpg, or .tif file type. Illegible documents cannot be processed.
  4. Submit your documents using the Document Uploader.
    • Open the Document Upload E-Sign form.
    • Fill in all relevant information on the form.
    • Click the "Add Attachment" button.
    • Click "Choose File" to navigate to your document.
    • Click "Attach" and verify that your document is displayed in the blue box.
    • Click "Done" to return to the Document Upload form.
    • Click "Submit."
  5. Students should monitor requirements and messages in Web4U. Go to the Financial Aid tab, click financial aid status and applicable aid year from the drop down menu and then either student requirements and/or messages.

    Documentation status will typically be updated within three business days and will show as here/in review. If the document is incomplete or more information is needed, the status will show as here/incomplete and a message will be in active messages in Web4U.

Signed and completed forms can be submitted in person, by mail, fax or electronically via email. Documents must include all required signatures. Forms missing appropriate signatures cannot be processed.

Parent Signature Option: If a parent signature is required, the parent must sign the form in ink.

Student Signature Options: If a student signature is required, then the following options are available to the student:

  • Sign the form in ink, or
  • Submit the form from the student’s WWU email account (submitting forms electronically from the WWU email account constitutes the student signature).

Financial Aid Forms

Set an Academic Year and enter optional Search terms, then click Apply Filters

Assorted Forms

Assorted Forms
Form Description
Release of Information Authorization

Deliver this form in-person, or send electronically from your WWU student Email account, to authorize Financial Aid to discuss your application status with other third parties.

Verification Forms

Verification forms should only be completed upon request from the Financial Aid Department. Signed and completed forms can be submitted by using our Document Uploader or in person, by mail, fax or electronically via email. Documents must include all required signatures. Documents missing appropriate signatures cannot be processed.

Verification Forms
Form Description
Family Size Verification - Dependent Student

To verify family size. This form to be used for DEPENDENT students.

Family Size Verification - Independent Student

To verify family size. This form to be used for INDEPENDENT students.

Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose

To provide confirmation of student identity and educational purpose.

IRS Tax Data Instructions

Help sheet for providing IRS tax data.

Non Tax-Filer Income Verification – Parent

To provide confirmation of parent non tax-filing status and income information.

Non Tax-Filer Income Verification – Student

To provide confirmation of student non tax-filing status and income information.

General Processing Forms

General Processing forms should only be completed upon request from the Financial Aid Department. Signed and completed forms can be submitted by using our Document Uploader or in person, by mail, fax or electronically via email. Documents must include all required signatures. Documents missing appropriate signatures cannot be processed.

General Processing Forms
Form Description
Additional Pell Eligibility Verification

To verify a parent or guardian was killed in the line of duty while either serving on active duty as a member of the U.S. armed forces on or after September 11, 2001, or performing official duties as a public safety officer

Asset Verification Parent

To verify reported asset information from the parent(s)

Asset Verification Student

To verify reported asset information from the student

Bachelor Degree Confirmation

To resolve discrepant information concerning your reported holding a bachelor’s degree

Dependent Care Expense Worksheet

To request additional aid for out-of-pocket dependent care expenses

Parent of Record Verification

To verify which parent’s information should be used when completing your FAFSA

Post-Baccalaureate Eligibility Verification

To verify that your postbaccalaureate program qualifies as a financial aid-eligible program

Loan Forms

Signed and completed forms can be submitted by using our Document Uploader or in person, by mail, fax or electronically via email. Documents must include all required signatures. Documents missing appropriate signatures cannot be processed.

Loan Forms
Form Description
Fresh Start

For Direct Loan borrowers determined eligible for the Department of Education’s Fresh Start program.

PLUS Ineligible Request for Additional Unsubsidized Loan

To request additional Unsubsidized Loan because the PLUS Loan was denied

Request After Discharge

To request your loan eligibility be re-established after discharge due to permanent disability

Unsubsidized Loan Only Parent Certification

For students to request Unsubsidized Loan only when a parent is refuses to sign the FAFSA and has ended financial support

Appeal Forms

Appeal forms should only be submitted upon request from the Financial Aid Department. Signed and completed forms can be submitted by using our Document Uploader or in person, by mail, fax or electronically via email. Documents must include all required signatures. Documents missing appropriate signatures cannot be processed.

Appeal Forms
Form Description
Maximum Attempted Credits (MAC) Appeal

For students who have reached the maximum allowable credits for aid eligibility

Quarterly Satisfactory Academic Progress (QSAP) Appeal

For students to request reinstatement after having failed to meet quarterly satisfactory academic progress

Revision Forms

To request a revision to your financial aid, use one of the forms below.  Be sure to include all required documentationSigned and completed forms can be submitted by using our Document Uploader or in person, by mail, fax or electronically via email. Documents must include all required signatures. Documents missing appropriate signatures cannot be processed.

Revision Forms
Form Description
Class Level

To update your class level status for financial aid purposes

Cost of Attendance Increase Request

Cost of Attendance Increase Request

Enrollment Change Before Lock

To inform us of any enrollment level changes

Housing Status Revision

To indicate your housing status for the academic year

PLUS Loan Revision Request

To request changes in PLUS loan by parents or graduate students.

Reduce/Cancel Undisbursed Aid

To cancel or reduce a portion of your financial aid offer

Reinstate/Increase Aid

To reinstate previously declined aid