Many scholarships are offered by private organizations and businesses to recognize high achievement. It is your responsibility to immediately notify the Scholarship Center of any scholarships you will receive, even if you receive the funds directly. Please use the Notification Form on our website to submit the name and amount of each scholarship.
To accommodate scholarships, other financial aid may be reduced to prevent an over award as required by federal and state law. The scholarship will first be used to fulfill any unmet need. If needed, we will then generally reduce loans or work study to prevent an over award of financial aid. In rare cases, grants or tuition waivers may also be reduced. All scholarships are apportioned evenly over the quarters of attendance and require full-time enrollment unless the awarding Western department or scholarship organization grant permission for alternate disbursement.
Students are responsible for paying university bills by the first day of each quarter even if they anticipate receiving scholarship funding that is not yet available.
Please contact the Scholarship Center for special processing requirements for Washington State scholarships.