Graduate Students

Financial aid for graduate students is primarily limited to student loans, scholarships, and Work Study. Eligibility for financial aid is determined by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on an annual basis. Students are encouraged to apply for aid as soon as possible on or after October 1st for the upcoming academic year even before they know their admission status. For summer financial aid, students must also complete a WWU Financial Aid Summer Application.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

WWU’s Federal School Code for the FAFSA is 003802.
  • Review the FASFA Submission Summary for accuracy.  
  • If there is incorrect information, contact our office before making corrections and submitting them to the federal processor. You can contact the federal processor at 800.433.3243 for additional information.
  • Respond promptly to any requests for information from the Financial Aid Department and include the student name and ID number on all documents submitted.
  • Review the Offer of Financial Aid once available in your Web4U, student portal and accept or decline aid as needed.
  • Maintain a personal financial aid file for your records and keep copies of all documents.
  • Keep your address and phone number current by updating your personal information via Web4U.
  • Always be prepared to begin classes with some of your own funds even if you expect to receive financial aid.

General Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for financial aid, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be admitted into a degree or certificate-granting program at WWU
  • Be enrolled in at least 4 credits each quarter
  • Not owe a refund on a previous grant and not be in default on a previous educational loan
  • Be a U.S. citizen or national, a permanent resident, or other eligible noncitizen.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

Combining Graduate and Undergraduate Coursework

Graduate students enrolling in undergraduate coursework must ensure that the coursework is required to meet graduate degree program requirements. Undergraduate coursework that does not satisfy graduate degree program requirements as specified on the Graduate Plan of Study, generally is not fundable with Financial Aid. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a financial aid counselor to discuss their aid eligibility.

Teaching and Research Assistantships

A limited number of teaching and research assistantships are available through Western Washington University. Students should contact the Graduate School at 360.650.3170 or their program advisor for more information. Financial aid eligibility might be affected by an assistantship.

Emergency Loans

Financial Aid offers Emergency Loans ranging from $50 - $900. The eligibility criteria varies and there is a processing fee on each loan. The Emergency Loan Application is available on the Financial Aid website under Applying for Aid.