Pace Calculator

Use this calculator if you are submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal that requires a Pace Plan. You will need your total attempted and completed credits which can be viewed in Web4U ➔ Financial Aid & Scholarships ➔ Eligibility ➔ Financial Aid Academic Progress. You may also contact the Financial Aid Department to obtain your current attempted and completed credits.

You may wish to use the What-If Pace calculator if you are attempting to calculate your pace for the end of the current quarter. For example, you can determine what your pace will be at the end of the quarter if you drop a five-credit class during the quarter. Do not use the What-If calculator for preparing a pace plan for an appeal for reinstatement.

Special Considerations about Appealing

  • Students are not necessarily expected to achieve 67% pace within a single quarter. Pace plans should be realistic and attainable.
  • Students nearing graduation may not mathematically be able to attain 67% pace by graduation and should include only the courses needed to complete their degree or program in their pace plan. Include a note in the pace plan explaining that this is why you will not attain 67% pace by graduation.
  • Repeat courses should not be included in the Total Completed Credits per the WWU Registrar's Office Repeat Policy.  Repeat courses are courses for which you have already received credit but are retaking either due to program requirements, to improve your GPA or to obtain a higher grade. (Repeat courses do not include courses for which you have not yet already passed or received credit.)
  • Retain a copy of your pace plan. If the appeal is approved, the pace plan will be monitored until complete. Failure to follow the plan will result in suspension.
  • For changes to future enrollment, notify our office in advance by providing an updated pace calculator that includes the new plan. Failure to proactively provide this plan may result in suspension.

Pace Calculator

Pace Calculator Help

For financial aid eligibility, you must complete 67% of your cumulative attempted credits to be on pace to graduate. All students are monitored for pace at the end of every quarter. If your completion rate drops below 67%, you will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for one quarter. If your completion rate remains below 67% after the warning quarter, you will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension and will have an opportunity to appeal to regain eligibility.

You may obtain a report of your attempted and completed credits from the Financial Aid Services Center.

All credits that appear on your academic history record including repeated, failed, incomplete, withdrawals, and transfer credits count as attempted credits. Pay close attention to the Registrar’s Office important dates and deadlines to ensure you withdraw from courses within the allowable timeframe.

Completed credits are credits for which you received a passing grade such as A through D-, P, or S. Completed credits also include transfer and Running Start credits. Transfer and Running Start credits are treated as 100% completed. You may obtain a report of your attempted and completed credits from the Financial Aid Services Center.

Enter your attempted and completed credits, then click on the Calculate Pace button to determine your pace based on the information you entered.

For financial aid eligibility, you must complete 67% of your cumulative attempted credits to be on pace to graduate. All students are monitored for pace at the end of every quarter. If your completion rate drops below 67%, you will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for one quarter. If your completion rate remains below 67% after the warning quarter, you will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension and will have an opportunity to appeal to regain eligibility. Your appeal must include a plan to get back on pace. If your appeal is approved, you will remain eligible for financial aid on a probationary status for the number of quarters outlined in your approved plan. As long as you are following your plan to get back on pace you will remain eligible for financial aid and will not need to re-appeal each quarter. Keep in mind that you still need to meet the other financial aid satisfactory academic progress requirements to retain your financial aid eligibility while you are following your plan to get back on pace.

The Pace Calculator results are intended to provide students with a planning tool regarding the pace credit completion requirement. The results of the calculator are unofficial. Official pace results are determined by Financial Aid processing and the results are posted to the official University student record.

After completing the first section, click the Calculate to Get Back on Pace button to calculate how many credits you need to complete at a 100% completion rate (that is, completing every course in which you enroll) to get back on pace with at least an 67% completion rate.